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October 01, 2023

No Lambda Left Up A Creek

by John Lukach

It is not if but when you will need the public IP address from a Lambda execution to correlate against Cloud Trail logs during an incident so as not to end up a creek without a paddle.

Ozark Kayaking

If the Lambda is not attached to the VPC, please at least capture the public IP address to Cloud Watch Logs using a Lambda Extension for both Container and Packaged functions, as the preparation will be well worth the extra compute costs for this ephemeral artifact.

Lambda Extension supports Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, & 3.11 on ARM_64 and X86_64 architectures in all regions

Deploying the CDK project may not be an option, so I have made it available in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

The SAM template is region-independent and available even if other regions have problems, as an ad-hoc addition option for packaged functions exists.

AWS Serverless Application Repository is only available in 18 of 28 regions, so I had to make the Lambda Layer public in each region to provide full coverage.

I also released support for Lambda Containers to capture public IP addresses by adding the Extension to the Dockerfile.

If the Amazon ECR Public Gallery is unavailable, I have made the private ECR public in each region; it requires Docker authentication.

Anything that can go wrong will, thus, need to be prepared for what I can control, as not having the public IP address during a Lambda investigation does not usually turn out well!

tags: AWS - CDK - Extension - Lambda - PublicIP - Python